In Christ we are a caring community seeking
and welcoming others to join us on our faith journey
"The celebration of the eucharist is the work of the whole People of God." (Book of Alternative Services, Page 183)
The sacrament of Holy Eucharist is celebrated regularly at the Church of the Holy Trinity. In this sacrament, we become one body in Jesus Christ our Lord as we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the sharing of bread and wine. For information about our weekly services, you can visit our Worship Services page.
"Baptism is the sign of new life in Christ. Baptism unites Christ with his people." (Book of Alternative Service, Page 146)
At the Church of the Holy Trinity, baptisms take place during the principal Sunday eucharist. Ideally baptisms are scheduled on days which are "particularly appropriate for Holy Baptism—Easter (especially at the Vigil), Pentecost, All Saints, the Baptism of the Lord—and with the bishop present." (Book of Alternative Services, Pg 146)
If you are interested in baptism, please contact the church office to schedule an appointment with our rector.

"Confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation are various modes of response to baptism. Whether they involve making promises on one’s own behalf, seeking membership within a particular branch of the Church, or reaffirming promises made long ago, each is directly related to the covenant made in baptism." (Book of Alternative Services, Page 149)
At the Church of the Holy Trinity we offer Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows each and every time the bishop visits our parish. The weeks leading up to the bishop's visit will provide ample opportunity for preparation. Confirmation classes are offered which explore scripture, tradition, theology, ethics, and spirituality. If you are interested in Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows, please schedule an appointment with the church office.
The sacrament of marriage is generally reserved for members of the Church of the Holy Trinity community, their families and friends, and for those who living in the local area, intending to make Holy Trinity their church home. Weddings may also be performed for couples who are members of an Anglican Church in another diocese. Exceptions can be made and we would be happy to consider your request. No weddings will be performed from Ash Wednesday through Easter unless under circumstances discussed with and approved by the Rector.
All weddings at the Church of the Holy Trinity are under the direction of the Rector or staff and any decisions about the wedding must be made in consultation with them.If you are interested in having your wedding at the Church of the Hoy Trinity please contact the church office.
The death of a loved one is a difficult reality to bear. The service offered through the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity focuses on the promise we have in Christ to be heirs of God's kingdom in the resurrection. The funeral is not intended to be a life celebration but to embrace the reality of a loved one seen no more and to celebrate in their new life in the world to come. The Rector, clergy, and staff of the Church of the Holy Trinity are here for you in your time of need. We will journey with you through this difficult time and assist you in preparations for the funeral service and, if desired, for a reception in our parish hall. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes within the context of the liturgy and to ensure that those present experience the joy and hope of resurrection.
We provide these services for members of our parish as well as those in the wider community. Please contact the church office to discuss funeral guidelines and schedule an appointment. The funeral pamphlet contains information regarding the funeral service and fees.