In Christ we are a caring community
seeking and welcoming others to join us on our faith journey
Pre-Authorized Donation (PAD)
What is the Pre-Authorized Donation Program?
The Anglican Diocese of New Westminster has established a Pre-Authorized Donation Program (PAD), using either automatic debit or credit card, to assist you in supporting our ministry at the Church of the Holy Trinity. When you participate in PAD, your bank or credit card account will be debited automatically on or about the 15th of the month. This amount will be credited to the parish’s account.
PAD creates a win/win situation for you and for the Church of the Holy Trinity. And, it is a very simple procedure.
Why Should I Participate?
Advantages for the donor:
Convenience. Your offering is received automatically every month;
Continual support of our parish when you are away;
Continual support of ministries and programs;
Changes may be made with written notification.
Advantages for the parish:
Regular, dependable flow of contributions to the parish;
Reduction of paperwork and bookkeeping; and
Reduction of bank overdrafts.
How Do I Enroll?
Decide the amount of your donation to your parish.
Fill out the form in the PAD brochure, which you can find in the pews or online here.
For credit card transactions fill out the credit card information, or, if using automatic debit attach a cheque from your account marked ‘void’; and put the form in an envelope for the offering plate.